Ron Johns
Creator of Music to Pray By
The primary purpose of this ministry is to bring glory, honor, and praises to “Him Who sits on the throne, and unto the Lamb”. My prayer is that this music will inspire people worldwide to spend time in prayer and in fellowship with our Wonderful Creator.
The original Music To Pray By album was recorded in 2002. Over 1,000 copies were given away all over the world. It was recorded via MIDI and was a piano sample from a Roland FP-3 keyboard.
Podcasts 1 – 48 were recorded raw using a Yamaha C2 acoustic grand piano in the dining room of our first home and a Roland R-09HR portable audio recorder so there are some background noises and mistakes, but they were kept to a minimum so that there wouldn’t be any distractions during prayer.
Now, a Yamaha DC3M4 acoustic grand piano is used to record MIDI. The MIDI is then edited, played back, and recorded through the acoustic piano in my home studio. Feel free to check out this post if you’d like to know more about this.
My heart belongs to Jesus Christ and my desire is that every time I sit down at the piano and play, it is to an audience of One, but the audience of this podcast continues to grow beyond anything I had ever dreamed, and I thank each one of you for seeking out ways to draw near to God, and I pray this ministry continues to contribute and inspire you to continue seeking Him.
I’ve been playing the piano since I was 7 years old. During the latter part of high school and a few years following, serving God became unimportant. On May 19, 1997, that all changed at Promise Keepers seminar when I recommitted my life to Christ, and I’ve been serving the LORD ever since.
I currently serve at The Connection Church in Buda, TX. I have played with various bands in the Austin area including Rachel Keagy, the band Soundwave, and The Brady Muckelroy Quartet. I have performed all of the State over Texas and many other states as well.