Now over a million downloads in 192 countries!

Even with the time off I've taken and the lack of new podcasts, there seems to be a great deal of people using MTPB, which couldn't make me happier. It is truly motivating to see how many this ministry has reached. Will the number ever reach 10 million in my lifetime?...

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“Religious-free” access…

There are a number of countries that control access to the Internet and since has been categorized by most databases as a "religious" website, it has been blocked by some of these countries. In order to ensure fellow believers don't loose access to...

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Podcast Sixty-nine

The last podcast to be recorded on my Yamaha DC3M4. It goes away tomorrow, and though it's only been 4 years, I feel as though I have a tremendous amount of history with that wonderful piano. I actually had to pick and choose from about 2 hours worth of recordings...

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